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About Us

Kintsugi Equine Gestalt Coaching Mission

“Our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of people experiencing emotional and situational challenges. By partnering with the horse, we assist with rebuilding lives with great compassion and integrity.”


You Are Not Alone. We are here for you.


Every living being is in a state of evolution; the only constant is change. By
partnering with the horse, Kintsugi Equine Gestalt Coaching can help you navigate:

  • grief and loss

  • feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

  • trauma

  • tough decisions

  • awareness of self

  • life balance

  • goal achievement

  • authenticity

  • a return to wholeness and joy

  • big life changes

  • relationship difficulties

  • connection with others

  • horrific events


The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ is a type of coaching that helps clients bring to their awareness emotional blockages and unfinished business that may be holding them back in their lives. The Equine Gestaltist™ guides clients through “in the moment” personal work, which is deeply tied to somatics (body responses) and experiential in nature.


EGCM™ is not psychotherapy and is effective whether or not a client is in therapy. Individuals from all walks of life and ages can benefit from EGCM™ coaching.

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